Mac Set up for Django web development

14th February, 2019

Things to Install

  1. Use/Create icloud account
  2. Enable FileVault encryption
  3. Set up email
  4. Install iterm for terminal
  5. Install brew for Mac OS packages
  6. Install oh-my-zsh for terminal style (optional)
    $ brew install zsh zsh-completions
    1. Install oh-my-zsh on top of zsh to get additional functionality
      $ curl -L | sh

    2. if you're still in the default shell, change default shell to zsh manually
      $ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh

      Prezto (instead of zsh) : has auto completion commands too.


  1. Install pip
    # install command line tools
    $ xcode-select --install

    # if pip not installed
    $ sudo easy_install pip

    # show current pip version
    $ pip --version

    # upgrade pip
    $ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
  2. Install virtualenvwrapper (environment for python)
    $sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper --ignore-installed six
    #edit the .zshrc by opening the file in a text editor
    $vim .zshrc
    #For virtualenvwrapper, add the following to .zshrc file
    $source /usr/local/bin/

    #To initiate python3 environment
    $mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 <name>
  3. Install Docker
  4. Install Chrome (optional)
  5. Install Slack (optional)
  6. Install Java
  7. Install Postgres and pgadmin
    Open pgadmin and Add Server (name: localhost and host: localhost)
  8. Install Node
    $brew install node
  9. Install Grunt
    $sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
  10. Install Sass (Ruby comes pre-installed in Mac)
    $sudo gem install sass
  11. Done :)


Some other helpful packages: brew install httpie